How Often Should You Backup Your Website?

When should you backup your website?Conceptual digital image of mother board with lock

Let me make this extremely clear, you should always have backups of your website. No matter what your website is, there is nothing worse than losing all of the progress, all that hard work, time, and money you spent on making your website the best it could be simply because some plugin update broke your website and your web designer had no backups saved anywhere.

Your website is a big investment and I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to keep a working copy of your website backed up somewhere outside your server. But how often do you need to backup your website? Well that depends.

What kind of website do you have?

If you have a splash page

If you have a website that is just a simple page listing your business information or restaurant menu, chances are you won’t have to backup your website more than once a week, obviously depending on how often you update your website, and how much those changes will hurt you if you lose them.

If you have an E-Commerce site

When money is involved in a website it is very important that you have top-notch security and update your website daily, or even hourly. I don’t think I need to explain to you how bad having to start over with your E-Commerce site would be, especially if E-Commerce is your primary source of income.

So how do you backup your website?

Most hosting companies include options that allow you to backup your website. There are plugins on WordPress that back up your website, but we don’t recommend or use those at Superior Web Solutions. Relying solely on WordPress plugins can cause a number of problems because all WordPress plugins are coded in PHP, and most hosting companies don’t allow PHP commands to save your backup in your server, leaving you with dud backups that either don’t contain all of your website’s data or no backup at all, which is not good.

Backing up your website and making sure that it’s done right can be confusing and dangerous, so you might want to call your web designer or administrator before trying to backup your own website. At Superior Web Solutions we offer regular backup services that suit your needs at an affordable, extremely competitive price and we can make sure that your website does NOT go without backups. Call us at (858) 480-1365 for details.