How much should you spend on SEO?

We all know SEO and social media are key when it comes to reaching customers. It’s important to understand what exactly you’re getting when you invest in search engine optimization. Most SEO firms will have you believe that you need to be on retainer for $1,500 per month to stay competitive in search results.

The truth is, you don’t need to spend a fortune on SEO to improve website traffic!

Before we get into advanced SEO strategy, there are three main factors that Google (and other search engines) consider most.

1.  Create a sitemap.xml for your website

Creating a sitemap allows search engines to easily index your pages and display them as results.  This extremely important (and simple) step is often overlooked by low-budget website.

2.  Focus your website on “target” keywords

Find which business related keywords are high-traffic, low-competition.  Incorporated these keywords into the title, header tags, meta tags, and content of your website.

3.  Get more “quality” links!

Having other websites create links to your website is crucial.  Links are helpful in two ways: they boost your traffic via direct click-throughs, and they significantly boost your ranking.  Remember, not every link is valued equally.  Getting a linkback from a popular, high traffic website will help boost your traffic much more than getting links from 10 low-traffic websites.  Think of each link as a “vote” that says your site is great!

It’s time to rethink your SEO Budget.

We highly recommend that you invest in the three optimizations described above.  From there, you can track your results and decide how much you want to invest monthly in improving your traffic and click-throughs.  Also, a great way to continue to boost traffic is to invest in Google Adwords.

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